The Junior-Am, similar in format to a Pro-Am, is a fundraising opportunity designed to help local junior golf programs and the AJGA Foundation.
The Junior-Am takes place the day of the practice round. Typically, between 15 and 30 juniors are invited by the Tournament Director to compete in this event.
If you have been invited to participate in a Junior-Am, you have certain responsibilities. You have been chosen to participate based on your ability to represent the AJGA in a positive manner to the amateur sponsors whose contributions help make our tournaments possible.
- Once you arrive at the course for the Junior-Am, check in with the AJGA staff so they know you are there. They will tell you which group you will be playing with.
- Go to the cart staging area to find your group and introduce yourself to them.
- At that point you can warm up, eat and get ready to head out. There will usually be a "pep talk" from an AJGA staff member for all juniors in the Junior-Am. This will be 15 minutes prior to starting.
- After the "pep talk," head back to the cart to introduce yourself to the remaining team members and listen for the send-off announcements.
- Once playing, remember that you are part of the Junior-Am team. The team will generally be able to use your drive or score, depending on the format. Be a "cheerleader" for your team members while they are hitting shots and stay active in the group.
- Parents may walk along with the group, but the Junior-Am is intended for sponsors and juniors, so parents may not ride in the carts.
- Use proper manners and treat all sponsors and participants with respect.
- Sit with your team at the Junior-Am reception, be included in team photos, etc.
- Ask for a business card before leaving and send a thank you note to the sponsors you play with. You will likely make a great impression to the sponsor not only with your golfing abilities, but also with the way you conduct yourself. The contacts you make may pay great dividends down the road.