Player Policies

2024 Preview Series: Entry Criteria

sakurako tanaka winner medalist preview ocala

The AJGA Preview Series is designed specifically for AJGA members who have not yet played/been accepted to an AJGA tournament. This series, conducted primarily during the spring, offers these new and returning members the opportunity to start building Performance Based Entry status before application deadlines arrive for summer's Open Series and Ninja® Junior All-Star Series events.

Entry Criteria

Members who have no prior acceptances into AJGA tournaments during the current or previous AJGA season are encouraged to apply to Preview Series tournaments. Preference will be given based on high school graduation year (Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman, etc.).

The initial tournament field and alternate list will be filled as follows:

Members who have zero AJGA tournament acceptances during the current and previous AJGA season as of the tournament application deadline. If there are more eligible applicants than tournament spots, ties will be broken as follows.

  1. Graduation Year – (Senior, Junior, Sophomore, etc.…)
  2. Random Draw

Members who have already been accepted into one AJGA tournament are able to submit applications for events in this series. They are eligible for the initial tournament field; however, they will be prioritized AFTER all zero tournament opportunity applicants by the same steps as above.


  • AJGA members may compete in a maximum of one Preview Series tournament per season.
  • If a member gains entry to a Preview Series tournament, all other tournament applications in this series will be removed, including any alternate positions.
  • Any member who applies to a Preview Series tournament and subsequently has more than one tournament acceptance prior to the tournament application deadline will have his application removed.
  • Fields are NOT filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Preview Series Qualifiers are open to all AJGA members, including those who have 2 or more AJGA tournament opportunities in the current and previous season.
    • The Preview Series Qualifier is the only method of entry into the corresponding tournament for these players since they are not eligible to apply directly to the tournament field.