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AJGA Preview at The Mission Club presented by Bay Area Lyme Foundation
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AJGA Preview at The Mission Club presented by Bay Area Lyme Foundation

Bay Area Lyme Foundation's best tips for staying safe on the course

Executive Director Linda Giampa explains how golfers of all ages can stay safe before, during and after the round

On March 25, 2022, the AJGA Preview at The Mission Club presented by Bay Area Lyme Foundation teed off. As 78 of the nation's best junior golfers took to the course, we sat down with Bay Area Lyme Foundation's very own Executive Director Linda Giampa to learn how golfers of all ages can stay safe before, during and after their rounds.

Here are Giampa's nine best tips:

1. Spray your shoes, socks and golf gear with Permethrin before going on the course.
2. Wear lighter colored clothes on the bottom half of your body so you can spot potential ticks.
3. Stay out of the rough as much as you can.
4. Do a thorough tick check when you enter your house.
5. Put all of your gear in a hot dryer for 20 minutes.
6. Take a shower and do a full tick check (which includes behind your head and ears, as well as your legs).
7. If you find a tick and it does get embedded, pull it out with tweezers from the head.
8. Save the tick and put it in a bag to have it checked for potential Lyme Disease.
9. Monitor yourself for fever and headache for the first few days. If you have symptoms contact your doctor immediately.

For more information on Bay Area Lyme Foundation and Lyme Disease please visit here .