Where to Position Yourself
· We ask that you position yourself behind the green of the timing hole en route to the next tee.
· You want to be in a position where the players have to walk past you to get to the next hole so they see what color card they get.
· Watch your position so you are never a distraction to the players. The more out of the way the better.
Your Role
· Your role in the process is to identify the player's position on the course with a GREEN OR RED CARD.
· You will simply hold up the appropriate card when the players put the flagstick in the hole. Don’t worry; an AJGA official will be with you for the first couple of groups, until you feel comfortable.
· If a player needs a ruling, please call for an AJGA official on the designated radio channel.
· If a player needs medical assistance, please call for the medic on the designated radio channel.
How to
· For each group refer to your timing sheet. You will notice the timing sheet has only one time on it – this is the time that each group should be completed with your hole.
· When the group on your hole puts the flagstick in the hole you will record the time on the timing sheet.
· You will have a stopwatch to record how much time elapses between each group putting the flagstick in on your hole. For example, when the first group of the day puts the flagstick in on your hole you will start the stopwatch. You will let the stopwatch run until the next group finishes the hole and puts the flagstick in. You will record this time in the column labeled Stopwatch time since last group. You will then start the stopwatch again for the next group.
Here is where you need the colored cards. The key here is AND/OR:
o If the time you recorded is less than or equal to the time on your timing sheet AND/OR the stopwatch time recorded for that group is less than 14:00:00, you will show the players a GREEN CARD.
o If the time of day you recorded is more than the time on your timing sheet AND the stopwatch time recorded for that group is more than 14:00:00, you will show the players a RED CARD.
o If for whatever reason an AJGA official is not present for a RED CARD, please be sure to notify an AJGA rules official on the radio.