Revised June 28, 2023
The Rules of Golf as approved by the USGA and The R&A govern play. See applicable tournament or qualifying round Notice to Players, Tournament and Qualifier Information and AJGA Code of Conduct and Pace of Play Policies for additional Local Rules. Complete text of Rules and Section 8 Model Local Rules may be found in the Rules of Golf, effective January 2023. Unless otherwise provided, penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is two strokes in stroke play or loss of hole in match play. In the Rules of Golf, the gender used in relation to any person is understood to include both genders.
LIST OF CONFORMING GOLF BALLS: Any ball used in making a stroke must be on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the USGA. Model Local Rule G-3. · Penalty for breach of this condition is disqualification.
ONE BALL RULE: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is NOT in effect. Model Local Rule G-4.
LIST OF CONFORMING DRIVER HEADS: Any driver the player uses to make a stroke must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, which is on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the USGA. Model Local Rule G-1.
- Penalty for making a stroke with a driver in breach of this rule is disqualification.
GROOVE AND PUNCH MARK SPECIFICATIONS: In making a stroke, the player must use clubs that conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Equipment Rules that took effect on 1 January 2010. Model Local Rule G-2.
- Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of this rule is disqualification.
- There is no penalty under this Local Rule for carrying but not making a stroke with a club which does not conform to these groove and punch mark specifications.
STOPPING AND RESUMING PLAY: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule J-1.
- Suspension for a dangerous situation: One long prolonged siren or airhorn note.
- All other types of suspensions (i.e. for darkness): Three consecutive airhorn notes.
- Resumption of play: Two airhorn notes.
- When play has been suspended for a dangerous situation, all practice facilities are deemed to be closed until declared open by the Committee.
PACE OF PLAY: See AJGA Pace of Play policy .
CODE OF CONDUCT: See AJGA Player Code of Conduct policy .
PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT: See AJGA Parent Code of Conduct policy .
PRACTICE: Prior to and after a round in stroke play, a player may practice on the designated practice areas. Rule 5.2b covering practice in stroke play is modified in this way: A player may not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. Model Local Rule I-1.2
- Penalty for first breach of this rule is the general penalty.
- Penalty for second breach of this rule is disqualification.
PRACTICE BETWEEN HOLES: Between the play of two holes, a player must not make any practice strokes on or near the putting green of the hole just completed or test the surface of that putting green by rubbing the putting green or rolling a ball. Model Local Rule I-2.
- Penalty for breach of this rule is the general penalty.
PROHIBITING USE OF CADDIES: Except when permitted by the AJGA National Headquarters, players must not have a caddie during the round. Model Local Rule H-1.1.
- Penalty for breach of this rule is the general penalty for each hole which he or she is helped by a caddie. If the breach happens or continues between two holes, the player gets the general penalty for the next hole.
PROHIBITING USE OF MOTORIZED TRANSPORATION: Except when permitted by AJGA National Headquarters Model Local Rule G-6 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
- Exception: a player may ride in designated shuttles and may accept transportation from a Rules Official.
OUT OF BOUNDS: a) Out of bounds is defined by the line between the course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes and/or property fence posts. When defined by a white line, the line itself is out of bounds. b) The inside edge of a paved road or curb defines out of bounds. A ball coming to rest on or beyond the road or curb is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the course that is in bounds for other holes.
PENALTY AREAS: When a penalty area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a penalty area is connected to the out-of-bounds edge, the penalty area extends to and coincides with out of bounds.
WHITE-LINED AREAS TYING INTO ARTIFICIALLY SURFACED ROADS AND PATHS: White-lined areas of ground under repair and the artificially surfaced roads, paths or other identified obstructions that they are connected to are a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.
TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: Model Local Rule F-23 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.
- “Either Side” Relief Option: If a player has interference from a Temporary Immovable Obstruction the player may take relief on either side of the Temporary Immovable Obstruction.
GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Defined by white lines. French drains are ground under repair. Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectators or other traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an immovable obstruction, such an area is part of that obstruction.
RELIEF FROM SEAMS OF CUT TURF: If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing:
- a) Ball in General Area: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- b) Ball on Putting Green: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.
But, interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance.
All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief. This means that if a player has interference from any seam after dropping the ball, the player must proceed as required under Rule 14.3c(2) even when the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point.
INTEGRAL OBJECTS: Include cables, rods, wires and wrappings when closely attached to trees, and artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas and bunkers.
WOOD CHIPS AND MULCH: Are loose impediments.
RESULTS OF COMPETITION: The competition is final when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in the absence of an awards ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee. The result of a match is final when the Committee has approved the result as posted on the public scoreboard.
SCORECARD CERTIFICATION: All players are responsible for certifying their scores and returning their scorecard to the Committee after each round. A scorecard is considered returned when it has been reviewed by an AJGA Rules Official in the designated scoring area. Penalty for failing to return a scorecard is disqualification under Rule 3.3b(2).
Revised June 28, 2023