Leadership Links

Emree Cameron finds a way to give back with the help of the Leadership Links program.
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Recipients honored at the 2023 Rolex Junior All-America Awards Banquet
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More than $1 million was raised in 2021 alone
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10 boys and 10 girls make the final list for award
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AJGA charitable program nearly 3,800 juniors teamed up to impact 2,400 charities.
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14 junior golfers raised more than $137K combined for charity
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Thanks to your support, the AJGA found a way to get back to safe, competitive junior golf and support its most critical programs.
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AJGA junior golfers lead with their hearts in 2020 - raising money and impacting the world through their involvement in Leadership Links.
2020 Jerry Cole Sportsmanship Award winner Jackson Van Paris shares his thoughts on fundraising through Leadership Links and the Carolina Cup.
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