Kate Brody of Grand Blanc, Michigan, leads the Girls Division by two strokes with a score of 5-under-par 67. Brody had a close to perfect round with a bogey-less back nine, six birdies, and one bogey. She is No. 116 in the Rolex AJGA Rankings.
Cara Heisterkamp of Westlake, Ohio, is in solo second with a score of 3-under-par 69. She had a bogey-free front nine and four birdies. Sharing third with a score of 1-under-par 71 are Madison Dabagia of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Adie Maki of Canton, Michigan. They each had four birdies.
Garrett Engle
Garrett Engle of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Jacob Modleski of Noblesville, Indiana, share first place with a score of 6-under-par 66. They had 16 birdies combined. Engle had a top-three finish in the 2020 AJGA Junior Open presented by VisitFayettevilleNC.com. Modleski was the 2021 Champion of the Boys Indiana Junior PGA Championship.
Mitchell Hoey of Alamo, California, Jackson Brimfield of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Elias Kennon of Greenwich, Connecticut, share third with a score of 5-under-par 67. Hoey had six birdies and Kennon had eight. Brimfield eagled No.16.