Performance Based Entry

Step 6: How Entry Into an Open or Junior All-Star Series Tournament Affects Your Status

Starting in 2022, Performance Stars will no longer be deducted when a member gains entry to an Open or Junior All-Star Series tournament field. Previously, 4 earned Performance Stars (Open tournament) and 1 earned Performance Star (Junior All-Star Series tournament) were deducted when a member gained entry.

This change is an overall simplification to the AJGA Performance Based Entry (PBE) System allowing a member’s priority for entry to be determined based on their amount of Performance Stars earned in the current and previous year combined with their membership Performance Star(s).

A player’s PBE status will continue to be calculated on a two-year cycle. For example, a player will start 2024 with earned Performance Stars from 2023 and their membership Performance Star(s) from 2024. They can continue to earn Performance Stars through 2024. At the beginning of 2025, all Performance Stars from 2023 will be dropped.

Learn the basics about Performance Based Entry to better understand how players are selected to participate in tournaments.
Earn your first Performance Star by joining or renewing your membership with the AJGA and build your status from there.
Earn Performance Stars based on their finishes in state, regional and national level junior tournaments as well as AJGA qualifiers and tournaments
Players with the highest earned status as of the application deadline will gain entry into the event.
Fully exempt players and those with the most Performance Stars are given the highest priority.
Open and Junior All-Star Series Tournaments have clearly defined tie-breaking procedures to fill the tournament fields.
Still unclear on Performance Based Entry? Read through these additional items for more insights into PBE.